Notice of Research Data Collection 3/18

As widely reported in the medical literature and popular media, Cuba diplomats of the United States of America and Canada sustained permanent neurological injury from sonic phenomena for which there is no defense. Sonic Vest Company, a private, biotechnology company, not affiliated with any government, was founded by an American, stroke survivor to collect, collate, and publicly publish with consent, any accounts or stories of injury sustained by anyone globally from auditory or sonic phenomena in the interest of the development of defensive countermeasures by medical and engineering researchers.

You may post your account or story on this website as a Comment to this post or you may email your account or story to Sonic Vest Company:

If you reside in the U.S.A. and you wish to share your account or story orally, please email your name and phone number, and a registered nurse will contact you.

Any information you provide via email or orally will not be posted or otherwise released to anyone outside of the research department of Sonic Vest Company without your written consent. If you post your account or story on this website as a Comment to this post your consent is implied for public release.

Thank you for any assistance you can provide to this grassroots, biotechnology development effort to preserve and protect the neurological wellbeing of all the world’s people from acoustic and sonic phenomena for which there is no current defensive countermeasure.

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